Thursday, January 12, 2012

Players and Steakholders

There are four major players and stakeholders involved in honour killing : the oppressors, the victims, the government of the country where an honour killing occurred, and activists. They all differ in views when it comes to honour killings and there are even different views within the groups because honour killings are very controversial.

The Oppressors are males who believe that women are objects who are the responsibility of the men in the family. They chose to punish the women in their family when they do an act of dishonour. The Oppressors usually a male of the family, believe by killing or beating the women they will be able to regain the honour that the woman has taken away. Most of time the family picks one of the brothers of the woman to kill her so the punishment will be minimal.

The Government are a major steak holder in honour killings, most of the time the governments and police have the same view of the people within the villages. They will give the oppresses minimal punishment if any because they believe that the women "deserved to die" because of her act of dishonour towards the family. Some countries where honour killings are not as widely accepted the parents are severely punished as in the case of Aqua Parvez who was a Canadian who suffered an Honour Killing.

NGO's and Activists are the last part of honour killings they are the people who set up or join organizations to put an end to honour killings. They will put pressure on governments and encourage to make repercussions to those which allow killers to go free. They are working very hard to make their own governments put pressure on other governments to make Honour killings disappear completely. The UN is also trying to put a stop to honour killings because they are a crime against human rights.

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